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Hockey PRograms and Leagues
Hockey programs at the ISC are run by TPH and NAHA
Stick & Puck sessions are open time for players of all ages to work on their hockey skills, including shooting and stickhandling. Players share the ice, divided into sections, including lessons. There will be no scrimmages, games, one-on-ones, two-on-ones, etc.
Full equipment is required for ages 17 and under. For ages 18 and over, full equipment is highly recommended.
What is public stick and puck?
What is public pick-up?
Pick-up, sometimes called "drop-in" is a casual way to play games without referees, teams, or scorekeeping. Players can organize themselves into teams. Basic ice hockey skills are recommended. Full hockey gear is required.
We do our best to keep Stick & Puck sessions on the calendar 5 days a week, sometimes twice a day. During high season months, our ice availability becomes very limited and impacts how much we can schedule ice time for public sessions like Stick & Puck. Please keep an eye on the calendar for added sessions.
Why aren't there more Stick & Puck sessions?

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